Hello out there. My name is Sih Immanuel and i am a Cameroonian, a final year bachelor at of the English Department at the University of Yaounde 1. Its a pleasure welcoming y'all to this blog: Real Tabletalk were we are going to be talking about the society and the world at large. y'all know the world is becoming full of infections that would be better erradicated so this is a platform where talks are going to go on like a table where we would get info about how to handle certain situations. As a young man, i have looked at the world and what it is turning to be and honestly, you would bear with me that it is becoming more and more of a mess. I sit in my corner some times and wonder what i can do to make a better change and one of the ways i could reach the world was to write my worries on the blog so everyone could read. sensitisation is the first step to solution so i want to make people see what is going on wrong and maybe propose what i have in mind as a proposition so that y'all can say what you think and things get to change. Any questions you habe, or worries would be answered accordingly and even if i don't have the appropriate answer you need, i hope someone up here would surely give you the approriate answer, if not, i'll fetch it for you. I'm looking up to be of help on here. Hope you'll not just burn time here but you'll burn it getting rich in ideas nd contributing in making the world a better place.
Thanks. Hope i'm going to be of good help to y'all and the world at large.
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